To reschedule or not to reschedule, this question kept
troubling me for a long time. Eventually I rescheduled my flight and I am going home two days later.
Yesterday, I called my 10-year-old son; I was melt by
his sweet voice over the phone. He said, “Mom, I miss you a lot.”
“I miss you, too.”
“Mum, I want to be with you. Yesterday, we went to see
a movie, and the tickets sold out. We couldn’t see the movie. But if you were
there, you would figure out a way to buy tickets.”
In my boy’s mind, I am still his omnipotent hero.
Before coming to Yale, I struggled a lot. I was really
anxious. I even thought of cancelling the trip. Finally, I successfully
conquered my anxiety. My husband said I should enjoy to fullest extent of my Yale
life, but I am not complete when my family is away from me. However, this study
experience proved to be very fruitful. I observed a
lot of excellent teachers’ classes and I reflected these teaching method and
developed my strategies of future teaching. Also, I harvest invaluable friendship